Wednesday, March 21, 2012

We're on TV!

The Walking Tour of Santiago that we took was filmed by a TVN show called "Gran Avenida". Click on the above link to watch a 9 minute clip of us on that show!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Santiago's markets and La Bicicleta Verde's Santiago Walking Tour.

We know a guy named Peter (pictured above) who cofounded La Bicicleta Verde ( and we went on one of their walking tours that takes people through some of the big markets in central Santiago. Above are some photos Mark took of our walk. Most of these places are about a 35 minute walk from our apartment or a 20 minute metro ride. We'll most likely shop here three or four times a month. Whenever you come, you usually end up leaving with a ton of veggies, etc.. so it's not something you would do every day.
Fish market.
Ricardo (left) offered/forced us to drink what he called Chilean Viagra but it's basically fish juice. It's the broth left over after all the different types of seafood are cooked. It's mixed with lemon juice, salt, and tobasco sauce. It's not as gross as it looks.
Peruvian sauces. The Peruvian woman who owns this stand at the market will put together a sauce for you if you just tell her what you plan on cooking it with. We'll definitely be back here. Chileans generally enjoy and eat a lot of Peruvian food. According to most of the Chileans we've talked to, Peruvian food and culture has added a lot of spice and flavor to Chilean culture.
Watermelons anyone?
It's normally more crowded than this we hear.
This is a fruit called a pepino which is the same word used for cucumber in a lot of places. You can eat the skin and everything. It's similar to a honeydew melon in taste and texture but definitely not in size.
The fruits in the front are called tunas and we haven't yet tried them.
If you're looking at the prices, 500 is about 1 U.S. dollar and the prices are for kilograms, not pounds.

This woman is making sopaipillas which are made from mashed up pumpkin and flour, then deep fried. They're usually eaten with a spicy paste made out of crushed chiles. Very tasty.

Mannequins and to the right, Ignacio. He hosts a television series called "Gran Avenida" and they're doing a piece on La Bicicleta Verde so he and his crew followed us around on our tour.
Musician playing for tips.
At the end of a long day of walking, there is nothing like eating a huge amount of pork and potatoes.

At a bar called La Piojera which is very well known in Santiago, they make a drink called the Terremoto (which means earthquake). They also have drinks called Aftershocks and Tsunamis but we stuck to the Terremoto. It's made out of pineapple ice-cream (which you can see is already in the glasses), white wine, and a little bit of Fernet. Not sure if we'll be drinking another one any time soon but definitely worth a try.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Our Santiago apartment.

Our street. We live in a section of town very close to the Center called Providencia.
The entrance to our apartment. Where Becky is standing, there is usually a tall white door that is shut so from the street, you can't even tell there is an apartment back there. It's like our very own secret garden.
Grapes. They're edible and they're growing in the entrance to our apartment.
Mark is standing with his back to our kitchen so this is the view looking out towards the door that leads to the street. We eat all of our meals out here and we hang our laundry here as well.
Living room. We did not pick the furniture or wall hangings. They were all there when we arrived. There they'll stay until we can find something better.

Our bedroom. Gotta love the moon and stars decorating tastes. Our one addition to this room is the Bolivian cloth over the table. Not sure if it matches but oh well.