Entrance to the metro (green line) that is closest to our apartment. Parque Bustamante is its name.
E-Class. Where Becky works. This is one of their three offices.
Inside the E-class office. Those two lovely ladies do not work with me. The office behind the balloons is where I go to pick up stuff, get work assignments, etc... I (Becky) was too embarrassed to ask to take a photo of my coworkers.
Mark fixing the grapevines that hang over our wall.
Laundry day.
This is the Museo de Bellas Artes. Haven't been in it yet but it's pretty close to our apartment.
On the red line. The Metro turns into a bunch of fast-moving sardine cans during rush hour.
Look at all the people waiting to board. (More like look at all the people waiting to shove their way onto the train.) It's not always this crowded but between 8 and 10 a.m. and 7 and 9 p.m. it's usually this bad or worse. The Santiago metro is pretty awesome though in spite of overcrowding. Trains run often and on schedule AND they're clean! Boston could learn a thing or two from the Santiago metro.
A bus, a taxi, and a pedestrian.
Some friends of ours from Sri Lanka who came to Chile through Start-up Chile. It's a government program designed to encourage entrepreneurs to come to Chile to start up their companies. www.startupchile.org
Getting ready to eat some SPICY food at our place.